Updates to how publishers monetize with AdSense

Updates to how publishers monetize with AdSense
Updates to how publishers monetize with AdSense

Updates to how publishers monetize with AdSense

New Revenue Share Structure

  • AdSense for content: Publishers will receive 80% of the revenue after the advertiser platform takes its fee, whether that be Google’s buy-side or third-party platforms.
  • AdSense for search: Publishers will continue to receive 51% of the revenue.

Transition to per-impression payments

  • AdSense will soon transition from primarily paying publishers per click to the display industry standard of paying per impression.


Revenue share structureSingle fee for both buy-side and sell-sideSeparate rates for buy-side and sell-side
Payment modelPrimarily per clickPer impression

Expected timeline:

  • Early 2024

Required action from publishers:

  • None


  • Consistency: Publishers will be able to compare the differing fees across the various technologies they use to monetize.
  • Transparency: AdSense will provide even greater transparency into the media-buying process.
  • Uniformity: Publishers will be paid for their ad space across Google’s products and third-party platforms in the same way.


These changes are designed to help publishers of all sizes easily make money and grow. AdSense will continue to simplify and provide transparency into the process, while contributing to the open web and the access to content that advertising supports.

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